Infant & Toddler Sleep

My Approach

It’s our job as parents to help create the proper sleep conditions for our baby. I truly believe that babies/children want to sleep and know how to sleep with some guidance. I think that each family needs an individualized plan that meets their and their infant/toddlers needs. My approach focuses on finding the root cause of the sleep problem and working towards fixing/improving that problem. I look at the whole picture and make a plan based on your child’s temperament, needs, comfort mechanisms, and parents’ wishes. Education is key. Teaching the family what is normal for infants/children and their sleep is important. You will be given the tools you need. With guidance, most children can easily and quickly learn techniques that allow them to sleep through the night from an early age. I will teach parents how to help their child develop those necessary sleep skills.

My Story

After my son was born, I had significant postpartum anxiety and depression. This was most likely due to a long history of infertility and pregnancy loss. I had a huge sleep debt in the first 4 months after he was born. I am a person whose body needs at least 8 hours of consolidated sleep to remain physically and mentally healthy. Because of this sleep debt, I believe my mood disorders were worse. His naps were short during the day, mostly 20-40 minutes at a time. I would hold him all day and putting him down resulted in crying and more anxiety.  I barely ate, I barely slept. I was always hearing stories of my friends saying how well their babies slept and were already sleeping through the night. I thought I was doing something wrong. I developed significant anxiety about his naps, sleep patterns and health.

The turning point was one night I was pumping at 3am in my bathroom and crying. I was so exhausted and thought there has to be a better way for both of us to get some sleep. I did some research and decided that sleep training would be the best option. I asked for help from my husband because I knew I had already had a hard enough time listening to my baby cry. I knew it would be hard but I knew I had to do something. It was difficult but I am glad that I was consistent and stuck with it.

Over a 2 week span, my husband and I followed the sleep training plan. It worked well and we all started to get longer spans of sleep. His naps were still not as long but were getting better. This helped to give me more confidence it was the right choice for our family. Over time there were some regressions, even now. However we continue to stay consistent.

We have a daughter now who was sleeping through the night at 5 months. She had only one wake up for feeds prior to that before 3 months and went right back to sleep. She is a wonderful sleeper now and her naps are longer than my son’s ever were. I used sleep training for her as well right from the beginning and to this day think her sleep patterns are better because of it. 

Because of my struggles, I became passionate about helping other families. I know, and understand the hesitation to do any sleep training. I have multiple plans for all types of families. We work towards a common goal and a comfortable plan. I don’t want the process to be as traumatizing for you as it was for me.  My goal is to help give you the information and support you need. Now let's get some sleep! 

My Credentials: Certified Sleep Sense Consultant

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Copyright Constance Lewis